In the heart of Florentine is a small café – the Kasbah – which is [practically] the only café I go to-- here I feel comfortable, perhaps due to the fact that I took up my current apartment around the same time the place opened... so I'm like a fixture, and there's not much stability in my life.
Inside the Kasba cafe is a bar which I used to sit at – min: 4 shots vodka and at least 15 smokes. Before they banned indoor smoking, that is. But I guess when i quit smoking I'm sure I'll appreciate it. You see, I'm planning to quit smoking. Then again, i've been quitting smoking for so long that maybe i'll just quit quitting, which seems to be a more realistic plan.
The bartender, Sharon, is more beautiful than she knows, and what she knows is bittersweet. Bitter to the world which has always been bitter to her, and sweet to those whom she lets enter her world. She is a self-proclaimed loner though she proclaims this to many strangers.
Inside the Kasba cafe is a bar which I used to sit at – min: 4 shots vodka and at least 15 smokes. Before they banned indoor smoking, that is. But I guess when i quit smoking I'm sure I'll appreciate it. You see, I'm planning to quit smoking. Then again, i've been quitting smoking for so long that maybe i'll just quit quitting, which seems to be a more realistic plan.
The bartender, Sharon, is more beautiful than she knows, and what she knows is bittersweet. Bitter to the world which has always been bitter to her, and sweet to those whom she lets enter her world. She is a self-proclaimed loner though she proclaims this to many strangers.
She used to date the owner – who owns the café/ bar with 2 other friends. But that went down like flames. Which makes sense because they weren’t meant to be.
In fact, had I wanted to initiate, I could have had her. It’s not ego speaking, its just the truth. Plain as day. But, well, I don’t really let people into my life anymore. There is a wall which apparently I care not to break.
Now Sharon no longer works the bar. And I no longer sit at it. In fact, I don’t really drink here anymore. Except for coffee which I take strong like fuel and black like mud, sitting in the farthest corner of the patio I can grab.
Soon, Sharon will be leaving for school in Germany. It doesn’t really matter, I don’t see her much except by chance on the streets – but still, I know she cares for me, and I care for her.
I got into a stupid habit: writing on the bathroom walls. But only here, in the Kasbah’s bathrooms. After about 9 or so bathroom-wall posts, I’m pretty sure the owners, staff and barflies know its me, but no one says a word. Indeed, when I think about it, these wall-posts were my first dip into anonymity, so maybe all this is meant to be?
One second, now… I’ll run into the bathroom and read the 1st post… hang tight.
OK! So I’m back, here goes, drum-roll please!... the first bathroom wall-post ever written by me, Jared, reads:
This is the first time ive ever written on a wall. I wish I had something profound to say.
-March 26, 2010
Engaging writing, right?! Yupp, abso-fucking-lutely engaging!
Anyhow, the posts are random… but have progressively become more involved.
Here are several pics:
Unfortunately it was too dark in there to get a clear shot… but one day, maybe, hopefully, I’ll return to jot them all down and type them here on your behalf (but don’t hold your breath, my word is as solid as jello so, well, you know. At least I warned you).
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