Saturday, November 12, 2011

From the backseat, looking at the road ahead

We’re going 80 down the highway and just as I type this I hear my cousin say, “ah fuck!”
I look up and there it is, the snaking red lights of a traffic jam winding up ahead. Ah, seriously. Fuck.
Oh well. So, other than that, the ride started pretty cool. I got in, got situated, and we had good conversation from the get-go. Conversation flowed as if I see them every day, and conversation stayed on all things positive.

Conversation lasted until my phone rang, it was work, and so I felt obliged to answer.
A colleague had some questions, questions not to do with the office but about his own company, he wants to go independent, but he’s unsure of the path forward. 

Odd how so many people think I know the path forward, maybe I give off that vibe, but between you and I well I don’t quite see the path.

I know my work, i think if you were an objective observer you would think that I’m quite accomplished, though internally I know that all signs point otherwise. I mean… I pop pills just to get through the day, if im invited out I usually turn offers down – id rather be reading, writing or watching TV then socializing with people; listen I socialize enough at work, it’s a large company.

As im writing this Goody interrupts to let me know, “Look there, Jacob, that’s where we’re getting married!” he’s pointing to a clearing just off the highway, and though we’re flying right by I can just make out the outlines of some sort of convention-center.

Goody’s fiancé, Ilikeher, has just offered a great big smile and started speaking about the wedding plans. I think at this point im supposed to speak up so, well, I guess I will do so. Close down this laptop, when I get to Aunt Anger’s place I’ll quickly click post on this. 

Dinner should be interesting. It’s going to be Aunt Anger, Lecturina, Goody, Ilikeher and I. BTW, I just named her Ilikeher because the moment I met her I realized, she’s cool, nice, a good heart. Therefore I like her – she cares. 

She’s a social worker, odd to think that she, my cousin Goody’s fiancé, is a 30 year old social worker. Weird to think that my little cousin no longer little is now getting married. 

It’s just all weird, everything is so weird, weird is not the right word for all this, these things going on!

My Friend Ruby

My friend Ruby is a transplant like me; born in one country but raised in another.

One day she made an observation, one that’s so succinct it stays with me on and on… we are travelers at heart. We are never settled. 

She theorizes that this is due to us being born in one country but raised from an early age in another. When growing up in the states she, like me, never felt native; and when we came here to visit – on summer vacations or whatnot – we felt like tourists. 

Ruby is on Citalopram, also known as Celexa, .25mg x 3/ day. She’s been on it for several years now. Wiki says: Citalopram is approved to treat the symptoms of major depression.  

I remember when Ruby first told me that she was on the drug, I was surprised, not in the fact that she was on an antidepressant, but in the fact that she was so open and comfortable talking about it. She said to me, “You remember, Jenny, right? From college?”
“Yeah, your friend, I remember.”
“And Michelle?”
“Yeah, you guys all went shared the dorm.”
“Yupp, anyhow, we’re all on it, it’s like the new it thing, I mean Celexa is totally fine, it makes everything OK!”
She then continue to talk about the beauty of SSRIs, a class of medication which when its all boiled down comes to, “This class of medication makes everything OK.”